Aviation Cyber Security
The global digital infrastructure underpins almost every facet of life today. This is leading towards a paradigm shift in information exchange. What makes this shift particular is not only the rapid technological development, but also the unprecedented level of global interconnectivity of systems and networks.
The world has been witnessing a steady increase in cyber-attacks against all sectors. Aviation has been no exception, being characterized by its extensive interconnectivity and complexity, its high level of media exposure, and its critical role in the socio-economic development of States.
Over the years, and in line with the continuous growth of demand for air transport, the civil aviation sector went through several digital transformations aimed at leveraging the power of technology to enhance the sector’s efficiency and capacity. This allowed it to sustain fast growth rates while remaining safe and secure. However, these digital advances exposed the sector to cybersecurity threats across all stakeholders, where a successful cyber-attack might have negative impacts on financials, reputations, continuity of services, and even on the safety and security of people and facilities.
The civil aviation sector is global by nature, and so is the interaction of systems and data flows that transcend national borders and individual organizations. As such, holistically addressing cyber threats and risks against civil aviation must build on a global framework that is founded on cooperation and collaboration between States and all concerned stakeholders.